
Donald trump twitter pence
Donald trump twitter pence

'For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?' Matthew 16:26. Rowling joined many people in retweeting a 2015 tweet from Pence saying “calls to ban Muslims from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional.” And then she added a Bible verse. RowlingĪfter President Trump temporarily barred residents from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, best-selling author J.K. Critics took him to task for singling out a white guy.Īnd when Pence tweeted out a photo of his meeting with members of the Freedom Caucus about health care legislation, critics noted there wasn’t a single woman in the room. Pence has faced a backlash for some of his tweets, including for praising Abraham Lincoln in a tweet about Black History Month. “People are completely surprised.” Pence sometimes sent a different message than intended He wants people to know that you do have access to your leaders,” Hammond said. That’s a practice he started while Indiana’s governor, said John Hammond, a friend and Republican National Committee member from Indiana. Pence used personal email for state business - and was hacked Pence will pose for selfiesĭuring his frequent trips to Capitol Hill, Pence likes to pass through the Capitol Rotunda and mingle with tourists. With Pence gone, fellow Republicans undo his work in Indiana

donald trump twitter pence

More on Pence: 10 things to know about Mike Pence Pence's email address caused any problems,” John Daniszewski, AP’s vice president and editor-at-large for standards, wrote the vice president.

donald trump twitter pence

The news service said it originally thought Karen Pence’s email address was no longer active. Pence tweeted that the AP's decision to publish the second lady's private email address violated "her privacy and our security."Ī second tweet demanded an apology from the AP. The Pences' emails were released after IndyStar discovered that the vice president had used a personal AOL account to conduct state business during his time as governor.

donald trump twitter pence

Two of the three Pence tweets retweeted the most were his criticism of the Associated Press for publishing his wife’s private AOL address. Pence’s defense of his wife struck a chord Here's five ways he's used Twitter - or it has used him in the first 100 days. WASHINGTON - Vice President Mike Pence doesn't come close to matching President Trump's reliance on Twitter, but he's still made use of the social media tool. Watch Video: How did VP Mike Pence do in his first 100 days?

Donald trump twitter pence